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Window Cleaning

Professional window cleaning service every time, from our office staff to our technicians. We strive to give you 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Our minimum for window cleaning starts at $175.00

Some windows require extra time and labor in order to complete the job and achieve spotless results. Such windows entail special window washing services that may include a small additional charge. Here are a few examples of special window washing services:

  • First time cleaning of windows that haven’t been washed for more than 3 years;
  • Post construction window washing which involves removal of glue, paint, cement or other build up on windows;
  • Special, custom-made, multi-pane (french panes) and uncommonly over-sized windows, skylights and clear story windows (windows on the interior requiring tall ladders)
  • 3 to 4 story homes

Call Clear N' Bright Windows Today and receive your FREE quote.